English site

The traffic analysis function from "Blogger" indicates that this site, though natively written in French, is also read from outside France : keeping up with research, whether academical, professionnal or independant, is critical to imagine the developping digital world.

Since launch as of Nov 11. 2011

Though there are some online translation services, we are considering the opportunity to develop sites in other languages.
If the formulation of the theory  "The Digital Enterprise as the Results of IT/IP Collisions" should remain unchanged (naming and coding of digital business models,...), the illustrations might vary according to the languages :  we believe that there should be not one unique global "digital economy" [économie numérique] but a multitude of digital economies, each of them beeing deeply rooted in its own language, culture, history and legislation.

To explore partnership and/or material/immaterial contributions, you are welcome to contact the author.

The Digital Enterprise as the Result of IT/IP Collisions

Nomination 2014 et Trophée 2015

La pédagogie "Short MOOCs en Réseau" a été retenue par la plateforme d'innovation ouverte de l'association Pacte PME recherchant pour le compte d'une entreprise membre un outil innovant de transformation numérique des ressources humaines.

L'innovation frugale du "Personal MOOC" a été élue Trophée IT Innovation Forum, catégorie Enterprise Mobility / Collaboratif, par les membres du CRIP (une association de responsables d'infrastructure et de production informatique) présents au forum le 27 janvier dernier.

Trophée IT Innovation Forum pour le Personal MOOC