Hic Nunc & together, des packs d'agile games et de soft skills |
- Diversity of learning propositions
- Pivot Supply method : study case N°1
- Provoke Trigger Event method : study case N° 1
- A 7-elements format of an Enterprise Adventure Game cell
- The Creative Digital Enterprise : posts jan 2019 june 2019
- Definition : Enterprise Adventure Game, in five intrinsic characteristics
- A lesson from CES 2019 : the digital pinball (Fr flipper numérique)
- A trend from VivaTech 2019 : the coming out of copyright management ?
- The Open Creative Workshop Architecture
- Flux B2B de droits d'auteur
- A three layers digital and physical workplace model
- Business models based on European Copyright Directive
- Two graphical tools for Agile marketing
- Agile marketing : the Trigger Event Model
- Two definitions for Agile marketing : trigger event and trigger capability
year 2019 posts on Gouvernance numérique de l'entreprise créative