
A taxonomy of instruments for Agile [juin 2018]

To market the business tools created by its Paris based SME, Tru Do-Khac needed to make a taxonomy.

A first taxonomy was figured out :
  1. Shared language
  2. Design canvas on kanban board
  3. Joyful collaborative tool
  4. Coaching game [1].
Unfortunately,  when applied to  Luke Hohmann's  "Innovation Games" family [2] which features 12 games / workshops, it was felt not satisfactory enough.

So a second one was thought out, starting with four branches as well.
  1. Framework
  2. Method
  3. Design canvas
  4. Agile game.

The result is shown with the matrix underneath, where the 12 games / workshops come in the same order as in the official site [3]

An Agile instruments taxonomy : POC with Luke Hohmann "Innovation games" family

The taxonomy was then used to make a revision of  the study "Instruments for Agile IT" realised early 2018 by Tru [4].

So far, the taxonomy seems to work all right and Tru has refined it since [5].

[1] Agile games : what are we talking about ?
[2] Innovation Games, Luke Hohmann, 2006
[3] Innovation Games official site. The games are franchised by Conteneo Inc, USA
[4] Instruments for Agile IT   
[5] To get more details about the taxonomy, contact : Tru Do-Khac

Mise à jour octobre 2018
Facilitation graphique vs design canvas métier / design pattern métier, Gouvernance numérique de l'entreprise

Nomination 2014 et Trophée 2015

La pédagogie "Short MOOCs en Réseau" a été retenue par la plateforme d'innovation ouverte de l'association Pacte PME recherchant pour le compte d'une entreprise membre un outil innovant de transformation numérique des ressources humaines.

L'innovation frugale du "Personal MOOC" a été élue Trophée IT Innovation Forum, catégorie Enterprise Mobility / Collaboratif, par les membres du CRIP (une association de responsables d'infrastructure et de production informatique) présents au forum le 27 janvier dernier.

Trophée IT Innovation Forum pour le Personal MOOC