
The Business Impact of IP : credits

Tribute to Pr. Andrew Mc Afee
We would like here to heartfully  thank Pr McAfee for sharing  his thoughts at his Professional Blog "about [his] research, ideas sparked by things [he] read[s], see[s], and hear[s], and other technology-related topics" and letting visitors to return comments.

"The Business Impact of IP" story was written while posting a series of comments (Feb. 5, Feb. 6, Feb. 8, Feb. 12, March 19, May 20) on the January 18. 2010 post titled  "Signs of Intelligent Life in the Corner Office" of Pr. Mc Afee's blog.

The story was first published on www.institute-20.com  under CC BY-SA from Feb 5 2010 to May 20 2010.

Of course, a mail was sent to Pr. McAfee to let him know of the publication.  

As we republished the story on this site, we have posted the following message as a comment.

 "Dear Pr. McAfee,
please note that a story composed by a mix of extracts from your blog and my comments has been published at this site "L'entreprise numérique créative" or "The Digital Enterprise as the result of IT/IP collisions" http://www.entreprise-numerique-creative.eu.

Thank you again to share.
Best regards
Tru Dô-Khac

    The whole story is published under
    Creative Commons License
    "The Business Impact of IP" par Tru Dô-Khac, Paris, France est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité-Partage des Conditions Initiales à l'Identique 2.0 France. Merci de prendre contact avec l'auteur pour assurer le total respect de l'obligation de "Paternité".

    Tracing the life of this story
    Published by Tru Dô-Khac, Paris, on February 5. 2010 on www.institute-20.com
    Updated on March 8. 2010 to represent Intellectual Property 2.0 (IP 2.0).
    Updated on March 27.2010 to set the label "2.20" instead of the label "2.0".
    Updated on May 20. 2010 to add “on second thoughts, you are right, every one has the same amount of information to create/innovate”.
    Republished on this site on September 9. 2011.

    Retour à The Business Impact of IP (part 1)

    Nomination 2014 et Trophée 2015

    La pédagogie "Short MOOCs en Réseau" a été retenue par la plateforme d'innovation ouverte de l'association Pacte PME recherchant pour le compte d'une entreprise membre un outil innovant de transformation numérique des ressources humaines.

    L'innovation frugale du "Personal MOOC" a été élue Trophée IT Innovation Forum, catégorie Enterprise Mobility / Collaboratif, par les membres du CRIP (une association de responsables d'infrastructure et de production informatique) présents au forum le 27 janvier dernier.

    Trophée IT Innovation Forum pour le Personal MOOC