
The Business Impact of IP (part 5 and end) : Institute 2.0 definition [sept 2011]

To better examine these cases, we have created two notions that we first placed under the formule of Institute 2.0

Pr. Andrew McAfee coined Enterprise 2.0 as "the use of emergent social software platforms within companies, or between companies and their partners or customers (...)".

Under the empire of an antique Vietnamese poetic art, we have created the following definition for Institute 2.0 as "the use of emergent differentiated IP commons within a knowledge community.
  • IP commons enables people to share, remix, reuse, -legally (Creative Commons definition)
  • Differentiated means various contractual environments in which the path of creation and/or innovation is traceable and persistent over time.
  • Emergent means that the commons have been made readable and understandable for reasonably educated people.

Adopting the Institute 2.0 definition would lead to say that
  • Wikipedia is not an Institute 2.0 because the path of creation is not visible (some contributors stay anonymous); 

Finally, we might chose the label "2.20" instead of "2.0" to evoke the time of the journey for Institute 2.20 to be widely adopted: "2.20" which sounds "to twenty" or two twenty, hints to 2020, ten years from today, 2010.

 The Business Impact of IP : credits

Contrat Creative Commons
The Business Impact of IP est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité - Partage à l'Identique 2.0 France. Merci de rentrer en contact avec l'auteur pour la condition de Paternité.

Nomination 2014 et Trophée 2015

La pédagogie "Short MOOCs en Réseau" a été retenue par la plateforme d'innovation ouverte de l'association Pacte PME recherchant pour le compte d'une entreprise membre un outil innovant de transformation numérique des ressources humaines.

L'innovation frugale du "Personal MOOC" a été élue Trophée IT Innovation Forum, catégorie Enterprise Mobility / Collaboratif, par les membres du CRIP (une association de responsables d'infrastructure et de production informatique) présents au forum le 27 janvier dernier.

Trophée IT Innovation Forum pour le Personal MOOC