
Definition : Enterprise Adventure Game, in five intrinsic characteristics [mai 2019]

An Enterprise Adventure Game (or a Business Project Adventure Game), is the next generation of the business games deployed in management / business schools / universities for MBA students and executives trainees [1].

An Enterprise Adventure Game is a simulated enterprise journey which is monitored by a squad of faculty professors, experienced coaches and seasoned managers, but it is strongly anchored in real life

As such, it delivers the next level of assurance of learning promise.

How so ?
  1. the scenario of the adventure game is inspired from real entreprises and projects journeys
  2. the team players features nine profiles [2]
  3. the key conceptual business tools (management frameworks, methods, design canvases, soft skills tools) that might be used in the Enterprise Adventure Game are tools which are used in real life.
  4. the training materials that might be used in the Enterprise Adventure Game come directly from real life. 
  5. the Enterprise Adventure Game is equipped with a state-of-art physical and digital workspace [3].

The conformance to the five points above builds the intrinsic value of an Enterprise Adventure Game.

The key elements of the learning promise are clearly stated in the binding program.

A large part of the training materials might be examined beforehand on the open web by the trainees or their sponsor.

Such an Enterprise Adventure Game can be noticed in the result of a Google Images search [enterprise adventure game] : a label of Copyright Value Added - The Game V2, by Do-Khac Decision, 2019 can be seen on position 12 (as of date of post).

However, an Enterprise Adventure Game can be organized as a network of Enterprise Adventure Game Cells.

[1] Under an academic perspective, the learning approach is called  "andragogy" (self directed learning) or "heutagogy" (self determined learning).
[2] Enterprise Adventure Game: the 9 team players, L'entreprise numérique créative, Feb. 11, 2020
[3] A three layers digital and physical workplace model, L'entreprise numérique créative, March 31, 2019 

Update June 16 2019

"Copyright Value Added - The Game" is returned in line 4 and line 7 .

Update feb. 2022
[4]  A 7-elements format of an Enterprise Adventure Game cell, L'entreprise numérique créative, 18 July 2019
Portofolio of Enterprise Adventure Game Cell by Do-Khac Decision
  • Agile marketing - The game part 1
  • Copyright value added - The Game V2
  • Marketing clues collected at a governmental forum on digital regulations
  • An innovation born from a double marketing fail
  • An MVP to edit and power online courses

Nomination 2014 et Trophée 2015

La pédagogie "Short MOOCs en Réseau" a été retenue par la plateforme d'innovation ouverte de l'association Pacte PME recherchant pour le compte d'une entreprise membre un outil innovant de transformation numérique des ressources humaines.

L'innovation frugale du "Personal MOOC" a été élue Trophée IT Innovation Forum, catégorie Enterprise Mobility / Collaboratif, par les membres du CRIP (une association de responsables d'infrastructure et de production informatique) présents au forum le 27 janvier dernier.

Trophée IT Innovation Forum pour le Personal MOOC