One of its component, the Provoke Trigger Event method, can deliver serendipity, which makes the Trigger Event Model a link between marketing and innovation.
However, implementing the Provoke Trigger Event method is most challenging.
Study cases can be helpful.
The following study case is a fictitious story featuring Agile Game Franchisor (AGF-Paris), a SME which creates and delivers Agile games which are protected and shared thanks to copyright. Any resemblance to existing characters or companies would be pure coincidence. The links to the real world and graphic are for illustrative purposes only.
Marketing clues collected at a governmental forum
on digital regulations
on digital regulations
For Agile Game Franchisor (AGF-Paris), a SME which creates and delivers Agile games which are protected and shared thanks to copyright, a nationwide Forum on the next digital regulations launched by the French State [a] is a tremendous opportunity to :
- assess intellectual property (IP) and copyright awareness [b]
- militate for better business loyalty towards authors, creators and designers
- make Internet more ethical.
Diverse actors have contributed [c]:
- LICRA, MRAP, SOS Racisme, UEJF,...
- Comité Colbert, Ligue de Football, MEDEF, UDA, UNIFAB [d1][b],..
- Syndicat national de l'édition, Le Monde,...
- CIGREF, Syntec Numérique, Tech In France...
- Ebay, Groupe La Poste, IBM, Orange Group...
- ...
The Forum was planned to close on Sunday Feb. 24 at 8:00 PM.
Until the day before closure, AGF-Paris has kept on posting and signing contributions and comments on third party contributions.
Just before the forum closing scheduled date, the Fédération E-commerce et Vente à Distance (FEVAD) [d3][b] posted a contribution.
![]() |
A back cover of the Summary of contributions, CNNum |
Then, the Forum closing was postponed 6 days, bringing to AGF-Paris additional opportunities to advocate business loyalty towards authors, creators and designers [e].
Illustrative data
[a] États généraux sur le nouvelles régulations numériques / régulation des contenus illicites
[b] Etat de la concience du droit auteur chez les acteurs économiques, X-Propriété-Intellectuelle, 26 août 2019
[c] Liste des inscrits - site officiel Etats généraux des nouvelles régulations économiques :
[d1] Union des Fabricants UNIFAB [b] UNIFAB contribution
[d3] Fédération E-commerce et Vente à Distance FEVAD [b] FEVAD contribution,
[e] Forum des états généraux des nouvelles régulations économiques : cinq contributions sur la régulation des contenus, X-Propriété-Intellectuelle, samedi 3 novembre 2018
[a] États généraux sur le nouvelles régulations numériques / régulation des contenus illicites
[b] Etat de la concience du droit auteur chez les acteurs économiques, X-Propriété-Intellectuelle, 26 août 2019
[c] Liste des inscrits - site officiel Etats généraux des nouvelles régulations économiques :
[d1] Union des Fabricants UNIFAB [b] UNIFAB contribution
[d3] Fédération E-commerce et Vente à Distance FEVAD [b] FEVAD contribution,
[e] Forum des états généraux des nouvelles régulations économiques : cinq contributions sur la régulation des contenus, X-Propriété-Intellectuelle, samedi 3 novembre 2018
Suggested questions to discuss
- Why does AGF-Paris militate for an Internet more ethical ?
- Would you think that AGF-Paris activity at the forum was bold ? Why ?
- Would you think that procurement departments of UNIFAB enterprises have put in place specific IP management processes ? Why ?
- What could have been AGF-Paris objectives when keeping on posting and signing contributions and comments on third party contributions until the last day ?
- Why FEVAD contribution is interesting for AGF-Paris ?
- Which capabilities has AGF-Paris mobilized ?
- Which capabilities should be mobilized/built in your enterprise to implement the Provoke Trigger Event method ?
- Which elements of the Business Model Pavement for Digital (BMPD edited by Do-Khac Decision and whose design is inspired by the Business Model Canvas, BMC, edited by Strategyzer), invite to agility ?
Recommended design management tools to explore the problematics
[a] Agile marketing : the Trigger Event Model, L'entreprise numérique créative, 26 Feb 2019
[b] Trois business ontologies pour l'entreprise numérique, L'entreprise numérique créative, 27 Aug 2015
- Trigger Event Model, Do-Khac Decision [a]
- Business Model Pavement for Digital (BMPD), Do-Khac Decision [b]
[a] Agile marketing : the Trigger Event Model, L'entreprise numérique créative, 26 Feb 2019
[b] Trois business ontologies pour l'entreprise numérique, L'entreprise numérique créative, 27 Aug 2015
The study case complies to the format of an "Entreprise Adventure Game Session"[A].
In addition of the study case data provided above, the format defines
- the use of Agile games
- a monitoring team (academic professors, coaches, seasoned professionals)
- physical and digital workspace infrastructure facilities
Another study case is about Agile Game Franchisor (AGF-Paris), an innovative IT consulting SME eager to share its findings with its peers by talking at a yearly conference named French Touch Agile Conference [B].
[A] Format of an Enterprise Adventure Game Session, L'entreprise numérique créative, 18 July 2019
[B] Provoke Trigger Event method : study case N°2, Gouvernance numérique de l'entreprise numérique créative, 7 July 2018